Friday, September 20, 2013

Night Exposure!

This was a really fun project I did tonight with my dad's recently redone John Deere 110 Round Fender tractor! Through many prolonged exposures and the use of a flashlight and lots of post processing, I was able to create the above picture! There are a few things I would have done differently looking back, but for my first time, I'm definitely pleased with the way it turned out!

The process:

First I set up the whole scene during the late evening, just before dark.
I grabbed a quick picture of the sunset and then waited for it do get darker.
Once it was dark enough I began taking long exposure pictures(4 sec.(100 ISO & 6.3 f-stops)). During the exposure time I waved the flashlight around on certain areas, gradually lighting up the whole scene.

After I had all the pictures taken it was time for the post processing. This just takes a lot of adding layers and erasing unwanted parts of those layers. For the process I used Gimp, but any photoshop-like program should work. In the end, I came up with the original picture!

I had so much fun doing this and can't wait to do it again some time!
Thanks for reading! Until next time!(: