Sunday, January 13, 2013

Black and White!

Lately I've been really fascinated with the world of Black & White! It really is a lot of fun taking pictures you intend to turn to black & white later, or even deciding after the fact. After getting the February issue of Digital Photo Magazine, which featured a Black & White special, I became very interested in the subject! 

I used to think that B&W was merely a form of photography to be used in moderation, only when the situation was just right for it. But now, I feel so drawn to set out and take pictures specifically to make them B&W! There are a few things you need to know before setting out to take B&W photos, which is why I would recommend getting the full issue of Digital Photo Magazine, which covers taking, editing, and printing B&W photos! However, if you aren't able to pick up a copy, click here to see the article on taking pictures for B&W and click here to see the article on optimizing your prints of B&W photos!

While taking the picture is probably the most important part to getting a quality B&W picture, how to make the best of post processing your photo into B&W is also a great thing to know!

I hope you enjoyed this post! You can see the rest of my current B&W pictures(and keep up with future ones) by clicking here! Thanks for reading! Until next time!(:

Friday, January 11, 2013

New Model Car!

Been meaning to post this, but I kept forgetting. Here's a new model car I got from my brother for Christmas! It's a '49 Mercury(one of my dad's favorites!) I'm really excited about this one! Can't wait to start working with it and share it with you when I'm done! Until then!(: